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Office of Library and Information Services

[Office of Library and Information Services - Intellectual Property Rights Promotion] Please use genuine textbooks and do not illegally photocopy or use illegal e-books. Infringement shall bear civil and criminal liability.

Respect and protect intellectual property rights

Letter from the Ministry of Education: Taiwan Education Gaotong No. 1130016305, February 19, in 2024
[Be careful you may have infringed upon copyright infringement!]
The following rights of reproduction, distribution and public transmission that may infringe the original copyright are subject to civil and criminal liability under Articles 88, 91, 91-1 and 92 of the Copyright Act!
Remind you
1. Please do not illegally photocopy, download, forward or share unauthorized book files on the website, or export the files into paper, etc., all of which constitute infringement!
2. Please do not post on social platforms, leave comments, repost, or share the URLs of major overseas infringement websites.
3. Please do not sell pirated books or their electronic files on third-party platforms, as this constitutes infringement!
*******Please use genuine textbooks for class study********
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